Saturday, August 13, 2016

Running in my new city

Every run starts with one step.
Racing season is officially upon us and tomorrow morning I'll take my turn running the famous Sydney City2Surf 14k race with roughly 60,000 of my closest friends! Just as it's name states, it starts in the heart of the city (or CBD as its better known here) and finishes on the world-famous Bondi Beach. The weather forecast looks beautiful. We'll see how the weaving through fellow runners goes and how Sydney's "Heartbreak Hill" compares to Boston's.

Over the past few months I've enjoyed many a scenic run as I've gotten to know this city better via foot and trained for the upcoming races. In my opinion, there's no better way to do so and I feel blessed with a body that allows me to do so. When you get up before the sun rises and sneak glimpses of iconic landmarks and beautiful beaches you feel like you've just opened the door to a secret world. When it's still quiet and peaceful and so much to come in the day. It's these times that a city transitions from a place I live to my city. I love that feeling. Here's just a few of the views I've enjoyed along the way.

A favorite nearby place to run with beautiful views of the harbour.
View from Cremorne Reserve... low clouds in the morning over the bridge.
Bush turkeys... a common sight in the reserve, especially early in the morning. Either that or possums.
Beautiful sunrise view from Middle Head in Mosman.
Running under the Harbour Bridge in Kirribilli.
There's something special about climbing the stairs to cross this big, beautiful bridge.
Pedestrian bridge crossing.
Views from the bridge... hazy morning over the city due to controlled bush fires one day.
First rays of sunshine on the city another day.
Love this photo from above Circular Quay.
Running around the "sails."
What a great view back on these icons from the Royal Botanic Gardens.
And again the view from Mrs. Macquarie's Chair.
Back on the city from Royal Botanic Gardens.
Big naval ship at Potts Point.
Beautiful trees in Hyde Park.
Sydney Tower Eye.
St. Mary's Cathedral
Making it to Bondi at sunrise was an accomplishment well worth the early wake-up call.
I could have stayed here all day, except I still had 10 miles to run back home afterwards...
Still need to go swimming at the Bondi Iceberg Club.
The best faces to come home to after a run.