Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Our annual Christmas letter (if such thing still exists)...

Where has another year gone? I doubt we are the only ones that feel like we just welcomed 2016's arrival. As we prepare to usher out the year we are without a doubt thankful for the year it was. Our first full year in Australia, our first year as a family of four, but far from our first year to thank God for all he has carried us through.

The year started out with our settling into the heat that January and February brought Sydney. While we complained about the heat and humidity and life with "air con" as it's called here, we were pleasantly surprised that albeit a few hot nights, summer in Sydney wasn't as bad as we had envisioned it might be. We enjoyed a trip to Batemans Bay and Jervis Bay to start the year, but unfortunately the rain came down in buckets for half of the trip. It did however mean that Emma got to enjoy her first ever trip to a movie theatre, and eventually it did lighten up to allow us several kangaroo in the wild experiences (thankfully none that involved meeting our car after dark) and sunny waves at the world famous Huskisson beach.

From there we got the final things ready for a certain someone's arrival including Abby's parents making the trek down under. Thankfully for all parties involved Morgan made a very timely arrival in mid-February, one day prior to her due date and right in the middle of Mary and George's visit. We were so happy to have extra caring hands to leave Emma with when it was time to go to the hospital (so much that we weren't even sure she noticed we left). And all of big sister's dreams came true when she found out she had a little sister and surely scenes of Frozen played in her head.

The first few weeks adjusting to life as a family of four were as seamless as we could have asked for. Morgan is our stereotypical "easy second baby" and we are still waiting for the day that all goes south. After Abby's parents headed back to the states we were thankful for continued offers of help and extra meals from our amazing church family. It allowed us extra bonding time while Steve had a few weeks off work as well. By the time Easter came around and Morgan was five weeks old we even snuck in a trip a few hours north of Sydney to the coastal region of Newcastle, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley.

We're not quite sure where the months of April and May went. Something about slight sleep deprivation, work for Steve picking up (busy season here is during the Australian winter), and Abby learning what staying at home full time with two little girls meant. Oh yes, but we do remember the part about glorious fall weather in Sydney.

Come June and we welcomed winter in Australia. No, it's far from the Minnesota winters Abby grew up with and even St. Louis winters Steve is more accustomed to, but it did get colder. And just as we complained about no air con in the summer, we learned a little about what no heating feels like and a lot about what poor insulation feels like (talk to most any Australian and you'll learn it's not just our house). That part about Uggs being house slippers? It's true, it's cold inside Australian houses in the winter!

We also graciously celebrated the Queen's birthday in June and took the three day weekend to visit the Snowy Mountains (about a five hour drive from Sydney). It was opening weekend and as we came to find out was more of a norm, there really wasn't any snow on the slopes. There were still tons of fun activities to welcome winter to the Australian "alpine" town of Thredbo we stayed in and it was a fun family getaway. We even made a stop off in Canberra on our drive home, so we could check visiting the capital of Australia off the list too!

Emma celebrated the big number four with plenty of her new Aussie friends at a nearby park at the end of June before kicking off her start to preschool here. It was mid-year (school year runs January - December here), but we were able to find an opening for her to go two days per week. While there was initial hesitation on her part (mostly because it meant she had to give up some other activities) it took her all of about 30 minutes to adjust according to her teachers. Being the socialite of our family she had no trouble making new friends, meanwhile mom and dad just had to adjust to the new Aussie vocabulary she is bringing home. It also meant Abby and Morgan adjusted to a much quieter house on Thursdays and Fridays, but are quickly learning to treasure that time!

We wrapped up the summer by Abby running two full marathons. It had been her longest break in recent time from running one. While it took plenty of effort and commitment on everyone's part, it made for a couple of fun weekends - one in the small town of Mudgee (about 3.5 hours NW from Sydney) and the second right here in Sydney and even included a run across the beautiful Harbour Bridge and a finish in front of the Opera House.

By the end of September we found ourselves already celebrating the one year in Australia mark and another holiday weekend meant a trip to the nearby Blue Mountains with friends. And the end of October brought us back to the US for a two week visit to Missouri, South Carolina and Minnesota. It was a busy couple weeks, but we loved seeing so many of you!

Needless to say we are thankful Morgan has adjusted well to our semi-crazy traveling lifestyle, especially since we still have one last destination left for the year as we prepare to head to southeast Asia to finish out the year. It certainly is a blessing to be able to explore and learn about new cultures (in addition to Australia). There is so much to be gained as we explore the world given to us and we pray that God continues to safely guide us while we do so. It truly is exciting to be able to teach Emma small things here and there as she understands more about where we live and travel to.

We look forward to our return to Sydney to start off 2017 as we know God has many great things in store for us, including a new address about a kilometer down the road from our current house (check out our Christmas card for the new address). In the meantime we will continue to ask for patience and enjoyment while we learn how to parent a very passionate, smart, creative and high energy four year old and to treasure the sweet innocence of another giggling, smiling, madly crawling, put everything in her mouth nearly 10 month old. We know there are many learning curves ahead for all of us. To learn our new norm of two little girls that clearly adore each other and are quickly learning how appropriately or not appropriately "tackle cuddle" each other while they play together. Hopefully 2017 will bring us more moments of laughter than "she took it from me" moments, but we fully expect both.

We pray that all of you are surrounded with love and laughter this Christmas as well. And while we might not be in the same time zone (or even close to it) for many of you, know that we think of you often and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

With love,
Steve, Abby, Emma & Morgan

Christmas card photo from the Santa Fun Run for Australia Variety Children's Charity. No, we don't normally walk around the city wearing Santa suits in the middle of summer!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Spit to Manly Part II

Worried she was too close to the edge!
In honor of our first Saturday of "summer" this December we headed out to finish the rest of our Spit to Manly "hike" we first began back in September, see here.

One might say it started out a little rough... more than a couple of wrong turns once we got off the bus trying to get back to where we left off on the trail led us all thinking we might just turn straight home and forget about it, especially with a four year old saying "when will the bush walk be done? Where's the ice cream? I want to go swimming at the beach!" All of course which were fair questions as she had been bribed with both of those outcomes, but not so great when we still knew we probably had two hours of walking to finish out the 5k+ we had to get to the end.
Sorry Morgan for cutting off your head in this photo for this selfie with your older sister.
We finally got back in the groove on the trail where we had left off previously and Emma enjoyed her role as leader and chugged along at a good pace while reminding the rest of us to walk carefully. We enjoyed some nice overlooks, tiny hidden beaches, and big friendly lizards along the way.

Beautiful views

Happy sisters!

Lizards have to take in the views too
Morgan came along for the ride nicely except for making both of us more than a little sweaty. The ergo and Australian summers really don't mix well.

Three of four were looking at least
Thankfully it wasn't until the last 1 or 2k that Emma really started to ask to be carried and we obliged a decent amount with hopes that we would make it to the finish and not have to camp out overnight instead.

Skipping over the tree roots!
And as all good parents do, there were plenty of rewards given at the end for everyone surviving including milkshakes, playground time, splashing in the fountains and beach time. It had been awhile since we had made our way out to Manly and we forgot what a fun area it is full of beautiful beaches every direction you look, trendy beach shops, cafes, markets, and street musicians.

These two seriously think each other are hilarious!
Based on this last photo, I think we ended on a high note, just wish we had a video of this one and her "roar!"

A defiant - I'm going to put my foot on this table no matter how many times you guys move it!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Running with 80k friends, some kangaroos and a photo finish at the Opera House

It was a busy winter here prepping for three different races! And can I just say that running in the winter in Sydney is just about as perfect as can get? Sometimes a little rainy or overcast, but rarely ever too cold and definitely not too hot. I think I'll enjoy training for something again come next winter, but let's just say I'm not planning to do any long distance training the next few months here... running and the heat definitely don't mix for me.

Finally catching up on writing this, my first race was the City2Surf right here in Sydney in mid-August. It was an odd distance at 14k (just under 9 miles for my US friends) and started in the Sydney CBD (downtown) and finished at Bondi Beach. I ran with 80,000 of my "friends." Yes, you read that correctly, 80k! I think I misinformed you all in a previous blog when I said 60,000.

Just a glimpse at one of many starting corrals
Surprisingly it really didn't seem that massive. I think the largest race I've run in comparison is probably a marathon or two that were about 25,000. City2Surf did a great job of segmenting out the different waves to start over the course of over an hour.

Beautiful Bondi Beach made a pretty good finish line
It was a beautiful meandering course through some of the most scenic of the city's "eastern suburbs" before encountering it's own version of "heartbreak hill," which was certainly no joke. It mirrored Boston Marathon's own heartbreak hill in the way that it deceptively seemed to finish 3 or 4 times before turning a corner and discovering there was still more to go!

Coming from an event manager's perspective... these people were planners, glad I didn't bring my children to get lost!
And for mid-August it was surprisingly warm with picture perfect Australian blue, sunny skies. While my little team of cheerleaders didn't make it out to the mass chaos that was that side of town I still had a great time running solo and just taking the experience in!

She was upset it wasn't her own medal, but still pretty proud to think "momma won the race!"
Some last minute planning left me also booked the following weekend for a run, but this time for my first full marathon in over two years! I was excited but nervous and had thrown in this weekend trip to Mudgee, NSW (about 3.5 hours NW from Sydney) only a few weeks earlier.

Rest stop!
While I had already planned to run the mid-September Sydney full marathon way back in February as I had registered for it (in typical pregnant me fashion) the day before Morgan was born. However, in some crazy sense of training mode me I had decided I should do another full marathon as part of my training. I figured it was either run a race or run a 32-35k solo training run, and frankly the race option sounded more fun.

Mudgee was going to be a super small race (less than 100 people ran the full) so it sounded like a nice change of pace from the City2Surf. And in all ways except for one, it really was a great weekend away. The one negative - well Morgan didn't sleep but a few hours the night before the race. Tiny hotel room, first night away from home in awhile, who knows what else. But sleep is overrated of course, that's why they always say to make sure you sleep well two nights before the race and luckily I had! Nonetheless I was grouchy enough to the point when I started getting ready that I contemplated not doing it. Then I thought that was silly after our entire family drove all the way up and hurriedly ran the 800m from our hotel to the starting line.

Upon arrival the whole clan was happy to be out of the car!
It was a perfect, crisp late winter morning to start a race with a nice warm up forecasted for the day. And that it did. I enjoyed the rolling hills, vineyards and kangaroos as my scenery to an otherwise very quiet course. About 7-8 miles in I thought it wasn't going well at all while I endured a long, slow uphill and was worried the night before was taking a toll on me. But luckily just at that point there was a slight overlap in the course and I was uplifted by other runners ahead of me exchanging "well done mate" as we ran past one another. I enjoyed some fellow conversation with the rare runner I passed or passed me along the course including one that was sporting a jersey of a former client of Steve's and one whose watch had stopped and we spent an inordinate amount of time trying to convert paces between miles and kilometers so he could figure out how fast he was running.

Emma wanted to run the rest of the way with me when she saw me around mile 20

My little buddy at the finish line with me (no she didn't run the entire last 6 miles with me)
She even got announced when we crossed the finish line!
And in the end I finished far better than I anticipated. I saw my cheerleaders around mile 20 and then I knew I was in the homestretch, especially when I passed a couple vineyards handing out both wine and water to runners! It was again, picture perfect Australian weather and I even finished just one spot out of prize money (before you get too excited, really it was a small race). Steve is already suggesting booking our return trip next year...

Happy to see this face (even if she did keep me awake most of the night)!
Everyone's happy to be done!
Pretty cool when an extra medal shows up in the mail a few weeks later too!
With Mudgee complete I had one big race left on the calendar - the one that was first on my calendar to begin with. It is a rare day lately that I run a marathon in the same city in which we live, which is normally how I like it - making it a destination race and vacation all in one. However, this time I was excited to have a little less pressure in the preparation and packing of getting us somewhere new and instead just being able to sleep in my own bed the night before. I even got the VIP treatment of my personal team of supporters driving me to the start line.

Support team doing some prep work to find me on the course
I wasn't lucky enough to go three for three in the weather department though. It was overcast and rainy. At least it kept it cool. My body also didn't hold up quite as well for the third race as I had hoped. I was fighting a bad case of plantar fascitis and hadn't been feeling very well the week leading up the race. So I set out to just finish the race. And thankfully that's what I did. Far from the time I had hoped for, but I got a tour of this beautiful city on my own two feet and I even kept running the whole time. They even shut down all 8 or so lanes of traffic on the harbour bridge (which is a BIG deal) and we finished under the steps of the Opera House!

The race finished just in front of the Opera House!
It was a long, wet, slightly painful race but I could smile at the end because I was thankful that I once again had the opportunity to both start and finish the race. I guess it's time to start planning #18...

This girl knows what to do with medals!

Wet, cold, HAPPY ferry ride home.