Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our little pumpkin goes to the pumpkin patch!

Olympic boxing
The Swiss aren't really into celebrating Halloween (although it does seem to be slowly growing from what we have heard), but they still seem to like their pumpkins. So we found the biggest pumpkin patch around, Jucker Farmart, to take Emma to last month in preparation for her first Halloween. It wasn't much of a patch in the sense that we didn't get to pick our own pumpkins. But it was fun nonetheless as each year they have a new theme and this year was the Olympics. It was quite impressive to see everything they constructed out of pumpkins and gourds. Emma might have been a little young to fully appreciate it, but we still had a great afternoon outside on one of the last nice days of fall weather.
Olympic weightlifter
First day in the big kid stroller

Bobsledding - this one was my favorite!

Wondering what all these orange things are...

Big pumpkins! Unfortunately we didn't get to see the 1st place pumpkin!

Dad with his pumpkin :)

1 comment:

  1. The pumpkin I grew in my garden was that big too...haha...those things are huge! Too bad you couldn't get a picture of Miss E next to them to really show how big (or how small Emma is ) they are.
