Sunday, February 17, 2013

A gift from God

Although people always say it, I didn't truly realize what a special gift from God children are until I had my own. It is such an incredible blessing to watch Emma learn and grow everyday. She helps to teach me just how amazing every little thing is in life as she discovers and experiences it for the first time.

Realizing just what a blessing she is, we wanted to be sure to have her baptized as soon as possible. Yet, while we are living abroad and not an active member of a church here we were indecisive on the best way to go about it. After discussing it with our church back in St. Louis we decided to baptize her here ourselves and then have a reaffirmation ceremony back in St. Louis over the holidays to celebrate with all of our family and friends.

Both days were very memorable for us as a family, and we could not have been happier that all of our closest family was able to be with us in St. Louis for her reaffirmation. Here's a look at the two special days - wow did she grow a little between the two!
July 29, 2012... Baptism in Zurich

December 30, 2012... Reaffirmation of Baptism in St. Louis

Aunt Elise & Uncle James (Emma's Godparents)
Grandma & Grandpa Souders
Souders family
Jones Family
Aunt Rachele & Uncle Andy
Quite possibly my favorite moment from this special day... Emma and her cousin Tabitha.

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