Monday, July 8, 2013

She did it!

I normally like to keep things as chronological as I can on here (hence why I tend to get about a month behind on current events!), but this one just couldn't wait to be shared. Last Wednesday at one year and eight days old Emma decided she wanted to really start walking, not just one step here or there, but she whipped out 12 of them in a row on us. It was without a doubt so far one of our proudest moments as parents and I was so happy she did it with both of us there to see for the first time. It was otherwise a dreary day in what is supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in Ireland, the Ring of Kerry. And to say the least we were a bit disappointed with how the day was going, but after Emma decided to walk in the cold wind and ocean mist, our day could not have been any better. This girl is growing up so fast and she makes our life better everyday! We are so thankful for our little blessing!

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