Somehow it's true, on Christmas day our little girl turned six months old. As always, the months continue to fly by. The start of Emma's sixth month was a little rough as all of the traveling seemed to be taking a toll on her. She decided that drinking from a bottle was no longer for her and she wasn't particularly excited about eating solids yet either. However, it's amazing how much can change over the course of a few weeks.
Such a big girl! |
We think she's pretty cute |
Six months and happier every day it seems |
Someone's ability to sit still is quickly decreasing... |
After the first couple weeks of minimal progress eating from a spoon by about the third week we realized that Emma really needed to touch and feel her food before she wanted anything to do with it. So for three or four days eating time was just as much play time with one of Emma's hands in the bowl at all times and often insisting on only eating the food when it was delivered off of mom's finger and not the spoon. Yet, luckily for us it didn't take long for us to get over this hump and Emma found out just how good eating real food could be and that eating from a spoon was much more efficient than my finger! By the time her six month birthday rolled around she was eating like a champ having tried a variety of fruits, vegetables, and rice cereal. Her favorite seemed to be rice cereal but she loves all of her fruits and seemed to really enjoy prunes and broccoli (wonder how long we'll be able to say that for).
Playing with my food is so much more fun mom! |
Her sixth month also saw her make huge improvements towards crawling and sitting up. Although the sitting up was still quite wobbly every once in awhile we got her up there for a minute or two at a time. However her army crawling was quite good by the time she turned six months old. Take a look at some of the videos to see for yourself. She likes to get up on all fours too and rock herself before often hurling herself at some object she wants, but thus far she has decided that army crawling works efficiently enough for her to get around. Finally she also has really started to make strides in the talking department as her babbling is taking off. She is especially good with her "m" sounds, with "mama" becoming pretty clear in her vocabulary, but I'm looking forward to the day when I know she knows what it means!
What a push-up! |
Although we see her changing all the time, this month was especially big. It seems that everything is so quickly coming together and it is exciting to watch and wonder what will come next. I can't believe that we're already in the second half of her first year. It will truly be no time before she is off and running around - should I be excited or scared?!
Sometimes playing on her walker reminds me of being in a casino...
Playing with friends is becoming much more fun these days! |
Smallest one at music class, but she absolutely loves it! |
I think it's time for someone to stop sitting in the bouncy chair...
heavy books are probably not approved child restraint devices!
Meeting Samichlaus & his alter ego Schmutzli - a Swiss Christmas tradition! |