Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And today you turn two...

That's right, my dear sweet little Emma is two years old today. I've tried to promise myself I will hold it together today, but I am pretty sure I will do nothing of the sort. Today, Emma, you start day care... Happy Birthday! I'm sorry today might not be the absolutely best day in your book. But I hope the memories of any difficult transitions will fade quickly and instead you will remember all the wonderful new friends you made when you turned two!

Emma you have no idea how much I wish the day could be about just you and I. I promise you we will have one of those days soon and we will hit up all of your favorite spots together - the zoo, Magic House, the pool, playing with all of your friends, you name it

While you are stubborn and passionate about making sure you always have your favorite things (your "new" baby, your monkey or cat pajamas, your donkey, your duck washcloth, purple water bottle, your giant monkey to sleep with, the list could go on and on), I could not love you and your stubbornness anymore.

This past month has been full of more highs and lows than we could have ever possibly imagined. I know that all these will eventually fade to memories, but I pray my sight of your huge grin when I come home from work does not fade from your face or into a distant memory anytime soon.

Each year since 2012 on June 25th I continue to make note of where we are and what is going on in the days leading up to, to say that each of them has been memorable in their own way is an understatement. This year may be so very different from the last two years, yet it marks a new chapter in our lives and one that is sure to bring you many new adventures. Perhaps ones that are more fitting for a two year old than doing silly things like traveling Europe and going to Wimbledon.

Emma, you will never know what a blessing you are. God gave us a wonderful gift in you, and I am so thankful for another year we have had to share together. Here's to many more. You are my shining star, you are my everything.

PS... I might (let's be real, I am going to) need a big hug from you later today! And as you like to say these days, ciao!