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4 months happy! |
Well Emma's almost five months old now, so I figured I better hurry up and recap her fourth month before I get really far behind! Emma's fourth month was the kick-off to what is sure to be several busy months ahead, and Emma decided to kick it off by kicking her good sleeping habits. At the end of September most nights Emma was only waking up once and I was thinking this wasn't so bad, well times changed once we got back from our week of travels to Austria & Hungary at the beginning of October and she decided that wasn't for her anymore. Instead we started getting up between two and five times every night - oh joy!
Fortunately aside from this "small nuisance" and a shift to short power naps throughout the day Emma continues to be fairly laid back and flexible. I can't fault her bad sleeping habits as I'm sure our travels and major lack of schedule play a large part in it. However all that matters to us is that she's healthy and happy and growing. Her four month check-up put her right again at exactly the 50th percentile for height and weight, but she seems to have quite a large head at closer to the 90th percentile (to my relief the doctor says it's a perfect shape)! I suspect it's because she is already coming up with tactics on how to manipulate her mother and father... Yet despite what seems to be a large head on her body she gained good control of it during her fourth month. And while there were no big tricks or things she learned this month it is becoming clear that she is quickly getting much stronger, more talkative, and smarter. Here's a look back at Emma's fourth month!
Smiles with my monkey |
First day with a brand new toy - so much fun! |
A little longer before those feet reach the ground!
Completely engrossed playing in her toy now that she can hold her head up... |
We are having the same issue with sleep over here in our world. our best guesses are either teeth or being close to ready for solids. No matter the reason, I hope they snap out of it soon!