It's hard to believe that Emma hit double digits last month! As you've probably noticed based on previous blogs her month was full of traveling from Italy, to the most famous of the Swiss Alps, and Croatia there certainly was little downtime.
Everyday we see more of her personality develop as she enjoys finding ways to play games with us... from coughing after we cough to try and get us to do it again. To pretending to feed us her food only to take it away and eat it herself, she loves to make us smile and laugh, but I think we secretly love it even more! She also started playing peek-a-boo when she has a bowl or something similar to put over her head. And every time she pulls it down she's waiting there with a huge smile for you.
While we thought she might be a really early walker, things have slowed down as Emma has mastered the art of speed crawling.
Starting to practice her walking a little more |
Her stubborness shows when you try to get her to walk and instead she sits right back down and won't move. There seems to be similar patterns of stubborness that have developed too between eating and sleeping. If eating is good one week it probably means her sleeping is a little off or she is being difficult to put down for naps and vice versa.
Her way of telling me she's not going to eat it |
She always wants to share... "here mom, take my headband, I'm sure not going to wear it!" |
Emma's become a very good problem solver trying to find her toys (or maybe a cat) |
While she continues to make leaps and bounds in her development one area where she's certainly slow is getting teeth as we are still waiting to see her first one! Maybe by the time she turns one?!
Loving music class with her friends! |
Last but certainly not least the little miss started saying dada just before turning 10 months old. Although we still aren't 100% sure if she understands what she's saying, if she doesn't yet understand it, she is very close!
It's easy to say our days only continue to become more active, if we're not out traveling or going for a hike Emma is "running" around our house leaving it looking like a tornado came through. But I couldn't love it more, clean and tidy houses are overrated right?
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