Friday, April 1, 2016

A brand new everything

For a brand new bub, everything is new, absolutely everything. There will never again be a time in one's life where so much of daily life will be a new experience. It is amazing to be the quiet observer of all this. Watching a baby's slow, steady gaze at everything around them as their eye sight gets a little stronger everyday and they discover something new. Noticing how they listen so quietly to every sound. Observing how they learn to recognize the smells of their people. While I hope to have many months and years ahead of these new experiences and firsts with Morgan, I was blessed to be a part of her experiencing so much in her first month. While the days (and the nights) may seem long, somehow the weeks and the months fly by and I just hope to remember a small sliver of it all. My last blog captured the experiences of Morgan's first week, here is a look at many of her firsts in the rest of her first month.

First family photos... thanks to the amazing Helen Lamont for coming to our home to capture these images!

Did I fool you? This one is actually Emma when she was a baby, do they look alike at all?

First bath at home, she kind of liked it...

First movie night, Snow White, she might have slept straight through it...

Her first "play times." Passing out on the play mat has quickly become Morgan's thing. Occasionally she stays awake and practices getting a little stronger...

First walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge (aka the big bridge as it is known at our house)...

First simultaneous nap with big sister in their room...

First trip to the park as a family of four...

First trip to our favorite nearby beach (Balmoral) for swimming and breakfast...

First trip to another beach where she actually physically made it on the beach (and then slept thru her big sister's favorite part, enjoying a milk shake)...

First trip to the zoo...

First trip to the mall and a wonderful discovery in the car park...

First trip to the "city," or more appropriately called the CBD here, for passport photos and to enjoy the sights of Circular Quay and the Opera House...

These passport photos could probably be sent into a comedy show for how terrible they look, which one is worse, which one is Emma, and which one is Morgan?

First time being confronted with a baby impostor...

First swaddle in the "swaddle up" sack. Looks a bit funny, but pretty cool concept I must say. The jury is still out on the verdict from Morgan...

The first of many forced photos...

One Week
Two Weeks
Three Weeks
And one month old...

Photo bomb by big sister!

The first of so much sisterly love...

Here's to many more new experiences and firsts ahead!

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