In honor of Emma's start to preschool here last week and the relatively "quiet" days I enjoyed with just Morgan, I thought I would reflect on the non-quietness that is usually my daily life. Emma is a talker and just like most children, you can never be quite sure what is going to come out of her mouth some days. Some of it is sweet, some is sassy, some is funny, and some is just downright weird. In no particular order a look back at a few things she's said from the last several months.
- We have the most beautiful baby in the whole world! Followed by excessive kissing and her trademark tackle cuddle and then Morgan screaming.
- Daddy: Stop pinching your belly and eat your dinner Emma. He then walks out of the room briefly and Emma continues to not eat. So I say: Emma, daddy asked you to stop pinching yourself and finish your dinner. Emma: I'm not pinching my belly, I'm tickling it. Of course, our bad Emma.
- Hmmmm... I'll have to think about my decision to that question during quiet time. In response to my seemingly rather simple question asked over lunch, this girl is a thinker in addition to a talker.
- Emma: I want to marry daddy! Me: No one marries their daddy Emma, besides he'll be too old by the time you are ready to get married. Emma: But you got married to your daddy! No, Emma, in fact I did not marry my daddy. I can see this is going to get confusing.
- No way Jose, no way Jose, no way Jose! Each repetition a little louder in expectation of the timeout punishment about to follow. Somehow expecting if she told me "No way Jose!" enough times she wouldn't need to have a timeout.
- Mommy, did you know our poop comes in all shapes, sizes and colors? I had no response for this...
- Overheard conversation... Did you have the giantest poop daddy? A big poop? A little poop? How big was your poop? You can tell what's been on her mind lately...
- When I need a spanking, I do it gently to myself. Hmmm... I've heard of kids putting themselves in timeouts, but spanking themselves?
- Emma: I'm going to get married when I'm 34, but then still live with you guys. I always want to live with you guys. Oh you're too sweet Emma.... still that's not going to happen.
- Random five year old at the park on Mother's day to me: Happy Mother's Day! Emma overhears and responds back to the other little girl: Happy Mother's Day! Five year old girl stops and gives me a confused look, I just shrug my shoulders.
- Me: We have to leave the park because it's getting too dark and I won't be able to find you. Emma: That's ok because God always knows where I am. True fact Emma, I can't even argue with that one, but the fact remains that I won't be able to find you so we're going home.
- Emma: Mommy, when can we have bunk beds? Me: Maybe when you and Morgan get a little older. Emma: I can't wait to sleep on the top and Morgan can sleep on the top too. Me: Huh? What do you mean you can both sleep on top? Emma: Well our brothers can sleep on the bottom. The brothers that are going to come out of your belly. Me: Oh really Emma? And how many brothers are going to come out of my belly? Emma: Twelve. Me: Hahaha, you're funny Emma. Emma: Oh, well maybe only five. Me: Sorry Emma, neither of those scenarios is ever going to happen...
- I need to write this letter, but I need to go to the toilet. Paces back and forth between toilet and craft table. If only the toilet were closer to my craft table so I could do both at the same time.
- Mommy did you know the holy spirit is like us gobbling up Jesus and instead of going to our tummy he goes to our heart?! Oh my heart...
Our wonderfully spirited girl! |
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