We're practicing our maths over here (and by we, I mean Emma). Yes, for those of you who speak American English, I said that correctly, our maths. I can't say it. I'm sorry to every Australian, but maths is just not a word I can adopt. I can say a lot of other things like rubbish bin, have a go, pram, etc. but maths isn't one of them. It's so funny to me how we speak the same language but we choose to reverse simple pronunciations, like the letter "a" or reverse our pluralization of words. But maths is not really supposed to be the topic of this blog. It is actually supposed to be about Morgan! And Morgan is now seven months old - seriously how did that happen? And as a result, as Emma has been learning how to add basic numbers together, now we're working on what adds to the number seven.
Anyways, sweet Morgan, sweet, sweet Morgan. Seriously she is as good as they come most days (someone please knock on wood). The first six months with Emma seemed at times to be full of long sleepless nights and short napping days. While we still have some sleepless nights, the days are flying with number two! It's hard to believe we have a sitting up, army crawling, belly laughing little girl.
My rosy cheeks baby.
Morgan got to visit her first Australian animals up close in July.
Daddy and flying baby.
Rolling baby = stuck baby.
Almost sitting up!
I did it!
I'm so BIG!
And so exhausted...
She is an absolute joy and most of the time it is an absolute joy to watch Emma and Morgan interact - except when I'm telling Emma not to crush Morgan, pull an arm or leg out of socket, or insist that she pick her up. We've only had one close call of Morgan almost falling off the bed and have since learned that Emma is not ready to "babysit" Morgan on the bed. No need to stress though - I made a diving, rug burn save and all Morgan could do was giggle as I caught her in mid-air and Emma told me "wow, that was a close call." And I rolled my eyes and made a mental note that no in fact Emma is not trustworthy for the 30 second turn my back while they're both on the bed. Lesson learned.
First sister smiles caught on camera!
So much love...
...and more.
Oh my heart, big sister reading to little sister.
And just when they look cute together, it all goes south.
But they don't hold grudges against each other (yet that is).
First big swing together!
Don't worry, no one was hurt during this filming...
Over the past few months we've watched Morgan transition from a roller to a crawler and now a sitter-upper. She has a fetish for needing anything and everything in her mouth. Emma definitely never cared like this for things in her mouth. You name it and she shoves it in there. And you can guess what that means for me most days - having a panic attack that something small is going to end up in those tiny fingers. As for now she just enjoys stuffing a spare (clean) diaper in her mouth while she's on the changing table and has to be in charge of my key ring the minute we are getting ready to leave the house and the entire time we are gone. Today when she didn't have the key ring while sitting in the stroller she made a swap and instead took off her socks and stuffed them in her mouth. Wonder how many people walked by on the road looking at her before I noticed it... And when she gets really bored well she just takes the easy way out and starts gnawing on the kitchen table or licking the carpet - just awesome. Oh by the way, she actually does really like food too. This girl might be stealing food from Emma's plate soon, but actually Emma wants to eat all the food (purees and all) that Morgan is eating too, so I'm not sure which way it will go. Regardless, while Morgan loved her green foods to start, that love is quickly disappearing as she finds there are things that taste better in the world!
She loves spoons (regardless of whether or not they have food on them!)
And feet in her mouth...
...tables are pretty good too.
She likes food in her mouth too.
Best mama/baby gift ever - mega key ring! She screams at me when I take it away from her!
And this girl LOVES to laugh and I LOVE to listen to her laugh. She is so happy and she will laugh at just about anything and everything her big sister does, no matter how obnoxious I perceive it to be. She loves just to laugh at herself too. We routinely hear her laughing to herself while laying in the crib. How I wish I knew what was going through that little mind of hers.
But I know it's time to watch out - she's moving and she loves it. Lots of trouble ahead for all parties involved I suspect. But mostly a very happy Morgan to live, learn and explore. I better not blink or she's going to be one before I know it!
Not every monthly photo shoot is a happy one.
Not sure how Elsa barbie ended up in this one.
Snap a quick photo before a face plant.
Emma gets jealous when all the photos are about Morgan.
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