But your sisters wouldn't let it not be special, they spoiled you, doted on you, walked you down the hallway when you woke up so you would see all of your special decorations. They wanted to play "fancy restaurant" for your birthday dinner, we didn't quite do that, but they did help cook some very special chocolate chip pancakes for dinner and made sure your cake was perfect. Emma learned how to play "Happy Birthday to You" on the keyboard. They both laughed at you in the best way when you decided to wear your new undies on your head for dinner and for the next few days. They put up with you when you played that Wiggles microphone on repeat. ALL. DAY. LONG. While you couldn't grasp 100% what was going on, you knew it was a special day about you no doubt and you let your personality shine in the moment. You wore that Elsa dress with all the confidence of a real queen. And you held onto that cake stand when it came close to you, no one was going to separate you from YOUR cake.
You are a "classic" third child. You are loud, really LOUD. You talk, a lot. While I vividly remember Emma and Morgan both turning corners with their speech when they turned two, you are already well and truly having full conversations with me and have been for the last couple months. You are a "pocket rocket" as Australians like to say, but let's be careful saying that as it means a few different things depending on what part of the world you're from. Here it means you are petite, but athletic and energetic. That definitely matches your Evil Knievel dare devil personality. You will be my child that either gives me a heart attack or finally sends us to emergency with our first serious injury.
I have moments of guilt when you don't always share this love equally with other family members but you have a special bond with each of us as the youngest one of the house everyone loves their baby Charley. No doubt the bond between Morgan and yourself is truly special. You already beat her up, I'm fearful of what is to come, but you two always make up and Morgan with her gentle heart always forgives you right away without question, and pulls you in for a big hug and says "that's ok Charley, just don't do it again."
This isolation thing has arguably been most difficult on you. You've missed our last 6 weeks at playgrounds, but we tried to make it up a little to you with the tiny inflatable slide and ball pit we got you for your birthday. I look forward to when I no longer have to tell you that a playground is broken when you spot one or when I don't have to go to all ends to avoid you seeing one. You in general just want to disturb the peace when you're inside at home and it hasn't made for the best combination with your sisters that are actually able to sit still and want to learn and do quiet activities. You have worn me out, but I love not having to rush and drag you from place to place during the day and our normal activities as well.
Charley, you are TWO now. A baby no more, but thankfully still my baby. You might look so much like your older sisters, but you are your OWN person. You will pave a road for yourself no doubt very different than what Emma and Morgan do for themselves. I will wait and watch and pray that I might be able to do my best to raise you for whatever the world might throw at you or where you might land.
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