Monday, May 12, 2014

Egg Hunting!

Although it was Emma's second Easter, let's be real, at nine months old last year it pretty much passed her by without too much recognition. This year was different. Emma got to open two Easter baskets compliments of her grandparents and she took part in two Easter egg hunts! With her father's careful supervision of backyard training, she was a pro by the time she arrived at the neighborhood park for her first egg hunt the weekend prior to Easter. Here's a look back at Emma's first "real" Easter.

Modeling her Easter hat...

Someone was pretty excited by all the Easter goodies!

Getting ready for the big hunt at nearby Lindenwood Park.

We all know you don't go to the park without a stop at the swings with balloon in hand...

Don't tell the Easter bunny (or the other kids), Emma may have cheated a little... 
here she is standing in front of the starting rope!

There she goes! We were shocked she went out on her own!

Dad went in for a little close supervision...

Success! Mouth full of chocolate and lips to prove it.

Full Easter basket in hand, she wasn't about to let it go on her walk home. In fact, she eventually fell asleep in her stroller with her hand clenched around a chocolate!

By the time we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house a few days later, Emma was a quite the expert egg hunter - take a look for yourself!

We had so much fun not only watching Emma hunt for Easter eggs, but also showing and teaching her a little bit about the true meaning of Easter. Here's to celebrating "Jesus is risen!" for the rest of the year!

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