Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Discovery" February... a photo and video recap

Yes, I'm a little behind, but what's new? Better late than never! As I look back I am always amazed at how Emma grows and develops in just a few months time... here's looking back at what she was discovering in cold, snowy, "daddy work" a lot February!

Discovering how messy it is to make gloop in the bathtub...

Discovering how cool it is to rock sunglasses while walking Dakota...

Discovering that her hugs can sometimes be a little overpowering...

Discovering that her friend's hugs can sometimes be too strong...

Discovering that orangutans like to stare at her, especially when she has a snack in hand...

Discovering that a little cold weather on the back porch won't stop her from cooking...

Discovering what a good runner she is...

Discovering how totally awesome the light switch aisle at Lowe's is...

Discovering how good she is at making snowballs...

Discovering Emma the ghost...

Discovering what fun it is to talk about her imaginary friend Bobby...

Discovering what a great lint rolling, tongue sticking out, fairy princess she is...

Discovering how much fun snowy walks and making snow angels with dad is...

Discovering how good she is at giving her friend a drink of water...

Discovering that she doesn't need to hold anyone's hand going down the slide anymore...

Discovering that grocery shopping at home is much better done in diaper alone...

Discovering the fun of racing a friend...

I think it was a pretty good month!

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